Wednesday 16 July 2014

Baking Haul

I thought I would do something a bit different. Recently I went a bit made, picking up as much baking stuff as possible. This may be a long post, so sit tight and enter a baking shoppers heaven. I have brought a couple more things not featured in this haul recently which I plan to use for a big bake at the end of this week! Included in that shop is Yellow ready to roll icing, Silver dusting powder (I think that is what it's called) and some black food colouring. Hopefully that will keep you guessing, and hoping it all goes to plan, you guys will see the results soon!
So the Haul!
First up is new baking trays! Always useful! the two below are from pound land and are both 12' x 11' or 30cm x 27.5 cm. 

More trays! These are individual ones, perfect for me and my boyfriend as I'm veggie and he isn't means that I can be happy with non contaminated food. It also makes it easier for my small portions of food in comparison to his large ones! haha. These I got from Lakeland, I have a feeling they were on offer. I love everything about Lakeland and if I could afford to I would spend so much there!!! If you can't make out in the picture, these trays are 18x24 cm or 7' x 9.5' 

Also from Lakeland I brought some food colouring, I chose Lemon Yellow, Sky Blue and Leaf Green. Looking forward to messing around with these :)

Lakeland again! They had a sale on bakeware and I couldn't resist, they also sent me a £5 off when you spent £30 which I couldn't not use! These two are Hemisphere Moulds. They were only a few pounds each on sale and I thought would be tonnes of fun to play around with. I brought a small and Individual sized one, not being sure on the sizes. I wish I brought some of the bigger ones as well in the sale. But we shall see how these two go. I am hoping to do something with these soon, in my big bake. So lets see what happens ey? :)

A variety of chocolate products! I can't help but pick up something in home baking section when going past it in the supermarket! I have managed to collect these three recently. I brought Dr. Oetker white and milk chocolate chunks, as well as ASDA's chosen by you range, dark chocolate drops. I mostly buy ASDA home baking stuff but I am very very bias, working there and it being my local supermarket has a very heavy influence on my buying habits! 

Next up is a load of cupcake cases. ASDA again! We have here a selection of multicoloured pastel small cupcakes cases, next some beautiful green larger cupcake cases with lovely spring daisies on, and some chocolate coloured muffin cases :)

You guessed it, more ASDA. Some lovely star and butterflies& flowers cute decorations to sprinkle on top of cakes and ice cream :)

Disney!!!! Yes, anything Disney gets me quite excited, these two are inspired by Toy Story and Disney Princesses. We have the Fruit flavoured rocks and Sherbet Lemon Rocks, I have tried the lemon ones, but unfortunately they don't have as much flavour as I hoped and really are more for the texture. As far as I know they are on sale at ASDA, but they may be available in other supermarkets or online.

I love bright colours in general, so this lovely orange food colouring will give a lot of fun making my bakes brightly coloured. 

Disney again! these are more muffin cases, we have yet again Toy Story and Disney Princesses. The Toy Story one is white with a repeated pattern of those lovely Aliens. The princess one has I think crowns and seashells and sparkles on. I couldn't not pick these up!

Next, Cinnamon Sticks and Vanilla Pods, I have never used either of these in baking and thought they would be fun to use. That and Andrew really wanted me to buy them :P

And more Disney, (this haul is not in any order!) I have here Toy Story wafer toppers, Monsters Inc and Disney Princess Icing badges to go on top of any cupcakes I make. Disney baking feast I am thinking!

Next up! Bird's Strawberry Trifle. The reason why I picked this up? I used to have this quite often at home when I was little, but not recently as I always thought it wasn't vegetarian...

I turned the box over and found this glorious symbol saying that this box mix I have avoided for a while, has in fact no gunky gelatine!

Now this one is peculiar, no idea whether I will use this or not, I kind of picked this up on a whim! This is Sweet and Salty popcorn seasoning, they have a few more such as Chili and Lime and Chocolate but this seemed to be the only one intriguing to me. Like I said, no idea whether I will use this but it seemed fun!

Next up some quick Jel by Greens. Here we have an orange and red ones. They looked so appealing on the shelf and maybe it will spur me on to make some flans of some kind. I really fancy some more fruit in my diet!

Hand Whisk! under £5 so I don't expect it to be brilliant. I haven't used this yet, but I am hoping this will make baking sometimes a lot easier. I am not likely to use it all the time, as I like the old school method of using your muscles, but as I have very tiny/ none at all, this will come in handy for poor weakling Laura!

YUPPP!!!! This is what you see before you! Minion cupcake mix! Now I am not a big fan of buying cupcake mixes and prefer to make things from scratch on principal. But sometimes they look so tempting! This one in particular. I am hoping to either make these or give them to my sister to make for her birthday as she loves Despicable Me, a franchise that I am only just getting into!

Vegetarian Gel! No idea what to use it for... maybe make myself my own veggie sweets. But I am sure it will come to be useful having round the kitchen!

Few more packet mixes, Angel Delight for Andrew, Butterscotch flavour. I prefer the strawberry flavour. And some Custard mixes because why not, I think Andrew wanted to do something with them to be honest.

Now this was a find! Mango Jelly! and vegetarian! I was so glad to see something like this available. I love Mango's, and although I don't love jelly, I have been dying to eat... well slurp some because it has been so long. I assessed the packaging and on the front there was a small green box with a green circle in and underneath it said 100% Veg. I double checked on the internet and found the symbol is used I think in India. I found out that all products have to be labelled from 2011 to say whether they are vegetarian or not basically. Which is pretty awesome, I think they should be a bit more regulated in the UK with labelling, because it isn't always clear sometimes.

Okay so that's all folks! If there is any products you would recommend for baking let me know, plus let me know if you have any ideas for any of the baking stuff in brought :) Let me know what baking stuff you have been buying too :)

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