So this is a recipe that combines...wait for it.... MARMITE (which already has a love/hate relationship with people) and PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!!!
Now I know what you guys are thinking.... yuk! or maybe yum... if you are like me.
For this I used obviously Marmite, Sainsbury's Peanut Butter Smooth, marg or butter (I am not sure which, it was either Utterly Butterly, Clover, I can't believe it's not butter or Sainsbury's Butterlicious) and just some bready bread bread.
So for this I popped two slices of bread in my green and white toaster, mmmmm :)
And then Buttered them all up silly :)
Coated one slice with Marmite And the other with Peanut Butter. (If you only want one slice you can do a half and half )
Next SQUISH EM' Fold them on top of each other and squish squish squish with fingers :)
Now either eat like all in one... or ... pull them back apart and eat them separately.
Now I know a lot of you will look at this peculiar concuption and be put off by the maybe not so appetising pictures, or the general concept of mixing two different things together. And I know what you mean, for me Ice Cream Floats are a travesty!!! But even if I can get just one person to try this beautiful thing, I will feel my mission to spread the word of how weird food tastes goooood will be accomplished.
Now for the taste... It's hard to explain exactly, but its got the cream of the peanut butter but with the sharp taste of the marmite with the crunchy bread. Or soft bread, it's just as perfect, perhaps more so on buttered bread :)
REMEMBER, you have to do the SQUISHING, or else it is not the beautiful creation that it is, the SQUISHING is the vital part.... well maybe not...but it's certainly all the more fun :P
I have been doing this ever since I was young... well younger! And I have been looked at peculiarly, but when my Aunt Sally admitted to loving this beauty too, I knew that this had to get out there and tell others about this great combo. So unless you like neither Marmite or Peanut Butter, 'Trust me on this' and go try something a bit different :)
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