Apart from work the last few weeks I have spend a lot of time tidying up and re-doing my wild monstrosity of a garden. We spent nearly a whole day cutting only half of the grass! In which every time we did a strip of it, we had to empty the lawn mower. We ended up with a pile getting on for halfway between my ankle and knee of grass cuttings. We also tried getting ridding of the thorn bushes that were in a tangled mess too, we only managed half though. I have never much enjoyed gardening but have always loved having a nice garden. So, the garden looks like a slow moving project that requires a lot of time, energy as well as a bit of money. But I have brought some lovely plants to go in it , I have Pansies, Asiatic Lilies, Sweet Peas, as well as some Lavender and Mint and a Butternut Squash Plant. I am really hope someday I can get round to creating my own vegetable patch, it's finding the perfect location first!
As well as my the ongoing project of my garden, I have started cross stitching again! I have started a Disney Winnie the Pooh pattern which consists of Tigger and Winnie eating Honey. This has been really enjoyable going back to do something I use to do, however I have not got very far yet. I have managed to start doing just one of Tigger's arms.
Then again it, at least its not as slow as my 10 year piece of knitting that consisted of about 10 rows of knitting....
In addition to my cross stitching I have also decided to rekindle my love of sewing. After almost 4 years since I left secondary school and Textiles GCSE, I had began to miss the sewing world. So I have decided to go back to it, but not alone! My fellow friend Catherine, also wanted to rekindle her enjoyment of sewing. I am starting first with a simple skirt pattern with a zip along the back. I thought this would be best to get me back into the swing of things. Today I went fabric shopping to probably one of the most heavenly fabric places I know -FabricLand-. Now choosing fabric for a simple skirt, seems like a simple task doesn't it? But once I have entered that door I am in another world, hypnotised by the sight and feel of thousands of different types of fabric. I couldn't choose between owls, flowers, elephants, butterflies, bows... there was too many designs. And I was adamant that the dress would not be plain haha. After a while choosing and changing my mind way too often (much to the annoyance of my boyfriend, mum and sister) I decided on a blue floral or butterfly fabric.... I am really not so sure. I think I was in such a daze that I can't quite remember what I eventually decided on! My plan is to be making the skirt at my mums house as there is much more room for my Nan's sewing machine (which she is kindly letting me borrow), as well as my mum can be there to aid me in events of disasters! So it may be a slow project that will only get an input of a few hours of week, but I will do a blog post on the final result and the process once I have finished.
Away from crafts and projects I may have foolishly begun, I have also done a few bakes. Nothing outlandish, just really variations on previous blog posts recipes.

Just before I finish this blog post, I almost forgot. I am in the midst of setting up two more blogs, one devoted to all things books and another for my creative writing. In future I may look into adding more blogs, but I also want to develop the current ones as well :)
I hope you are all well, and yet again any recipes or makes you think I should try let me know. I love to experiment :D
P.S Does anyone know how to sort out my photo layout issues, it's infuriating me!
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