What made me to decide to go back to baking bread?
I think being a student and now having my own kitchen I already wanted to explore cooking and baking further, and be able to make the most of money. That and recently I have become more and more addicted to BBC's The Great British Bake Off, with Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry. I think I probably became mesmerised by Hollywood's ability at baking bread. For my birthday I received Paul's new book 'Bread' based on the new TV series. So from all this really I decided it was time to get out the yeast, flour and oil!
500g Strong White Flour
10g Salt
7g Dried Yeast
40ml Olive Oil (Sunflower oil is fine, I used sunflower oil for the first time...by accident)
320ml Cool Water
Of course, these are always rough guides, using my Poundland cheap scales makes it difficult to get exact measurements anyway.

I then added the oil and some of the water (Note: You don't want to add the water all in one go as you may not need all of the water stated)
THEN MIX!!! And I do not mean mix with a mixer or wooden spoon, you need to put your hands into the bowl and mix it, not only is that the fun of it but it also creates a better mixture.

Proove for few hours depending on the room temp. I just placed a tea towel over the bowl, it took longer than expected the first time so put it near the heater to try and speed it up... which didn't really do anything!
Knock the air out of the bread with your knuckles, and shape the dough.
I placed the loaf on a oiled tray and the first time added flour for assured prevention against sticking. And then proove again for an hour.
Now Paul Hollywood says to prepare for baking by brushing water over the loaf and then sprinkling on some flour, I didn't fancy the flour so just got a sharp knife and made a few couple of cm deep slits in the bread. The bread will stretch where you cut them to create the classic look. I kind of failed at making mine look equal.

And then Bake... Hollywood says to bake for 25 minutes on 220 degrees celsius and then 10-15 mins on 200. However I found after 25 minutes my bread was going a bit brown. It sounded hollow when I tapped on the bottom so I took it out of the oven, restrained myself for a few minutes and then got the clover I had in the fridge and watched it slowly melt as I spread it on a nice thick loaf of home made bread.
Now the first time I made bread in a while was far from perfect, so this weekend I decided it was time to try again.
All in all, baking bread is a very enjoyable experience, its smells amazing, feels amazing and even better, tastes amazing! I am hoping to continue my baking bread adventure soon too! I have some brown bread flour I may substitute into the recipe instead.

Below are the rest of the pictures of my second attempt!
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